These are the strategic pedagogical projects of Kristau Eskola.

Our project is centred on extending and deepening the use of information and communication technologies in our schools, integrating their use in teaching and learning processes.
The project “Aukera” ( “Opportunity” in Basque) extends to all of our schools, without exception, and consists of orienting and supporting them in their development of digital and virtual spaces for teaching, learning and administration, so that they may successfully…

An integrated approach to language learning and a process of continual improvement in linguistic competences.
“Aniztu” (or “Becoming Many” in Basque) is the wide-ranging and comprehensive project designed by Kristau eskola to foment an authentic multilingual environment within every school. Taking into account the differing socio-linguistic circumstances of each centre, the project aims to provide…

The development of emotional intelligence is essential in the holistic growth of each individual.
“Gu Gan” (“In us” in Basque) is our project to develop emotional intelligence in the educational community, especially among educators and students. On the level of the individual, the program explores and develops the concepts of self-knowledge, motivation and auto-regulation,…

A program designed to achieve educational goals through competence based learning.
Educational goals are achieved through the acquisition of basic competences. This project recognises two kinds of competence; To begin with, there are the basic “transversal” or cross-curricular competencies, which are developed in all areas of learning and can be applied…
The promotion of sport as a tool for the teaching of values and Promotion of healthy lifestyles.
This project aims to incorporate the whole of the educational community and is directed towards the four principal groups within that community; students, families and school- faculty and other staff. The project has 4 dimensions; Nutrition Physical exercise Hygiene and…

Families and School working hand in hand.
This project aims to encourage cooperation between students families and the school. It is rather more than a Parent-teacher group but instead a regular series of meetings in which parents, guardians, educators, guidance counsellors and other staff in contact with…

Guidance and support in global and European projects. Erasmus +
Kristau Eskola also has an outward- looking perspective in its International projects. Given the phenomenon of globalisation and the times that we live in, it is natural that the organisation has an international perspective. Our students especially are already and…