Our project is centred on extending and deepening the use of information and communication technologies in our schools, integrating their use in teaching and learning processes.
The project “Aukera” ( “Opportunity” in Basque) extends to all of our schools, without exception, and consists of orienting and supporting them in their development of digital and virtual spaces for teaching, learning and administration, so that they may successfully integrate new technologies into the life of the teaching establishments.
This project seeks to incorporate in a systematic manner all Kristau Eskola schools at a similar pace, in their adaptation of innovative tools and methodologies, providing uniformity and consistency to methodological changes.
Key points of the project
- Networking. Connecting schools and sharing experiences and examples of successful educational practice, making the most of synergies within the group for a more efficient use of resources.
- Reducing the “Digital Differential”. Eliminating the “Digital Gap” between schools which are more and less advanced in their process of incorporating the use of new technologies and so offering greater equality of opportunity across the entire group.
- Methodological change through ICT. Supporting the use of ICT in a general movement of methodological change in teaching and learning practices. This support takes the form of providing resources in the form of infrastructure, as well as a wide variety of training courses.